
Join Us, Do Good Together

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fight against child abuse

MESSRAA is a non-profit organization dedicated to combating child abuse, child beggary, human trafficking, unemployment and hunger. We strive to safeguard the well-being of individuals. Join us in our efforts to protect the most vulnerable.

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about foundation


MESSRAA endeavors to stop human trafficking, child begging and child labour. Committed to safeguarding the vulnerable. Our non-profit organization tackles the harrowing issues of child abuse, human trafficking, child beggary, unemploynment and hunger with unwavering determination. Through our concerted efforts, we try to help those in need, providing essential support, education, and food. With every action, we strive to dismantle barriers and ignite positive change within communities. Together, we stand united in our mission, striving to safeguard the well-being of individuals.

Join us in our mission to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Together, we try to make positive change for a more equitable society.

Child Protection Programs

MESSRAA actively works to protect childs from abuse and exploitation through education, awareness campaigns and support services for at-risk youth.

Education and Empoverment

MESSRAA focuses on providing educational opportunities and empowerment programs to uplift communities, especially vulnerable children and woman helping them break the cycle of poverty and exploitation.

Family Empowerment

MESSRAA focuses on empowering families to break the cycle of poverty that often leads to child beggary. We offer vocational training and support to parents, enabling them to provide for their families independently.

1.5 million

children are forced to beg in Pakistan

Help Those In Need

Featured Campaigns

our goal $20,000.00
Raised $0.00
to go $20,000.00
our goal $20,000.00
Raised $0.00
to go $20,000.00
our goal $20,000.00
Raised $0.00
to go $20,000.00
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People Say about our foundation

“ MESSRAA is a dedicated organization fighting child abuse, human trafficking, unemployment, and hunger. Their commitment to protecting the vulnerable and empowering individuals is inspiring. I'm proud to support their noble cause. “


“ MESSRAA is doing important work in our community, addressing child abuse, human trafficking, unemployment, and hunger. Their focus on protecting the vulnerable is great “


“ I'm impressed by MESSRAA's commitment to fighting child abuse, human trafficking, unemployment, and hunger. Their work to protect the vulnerable is both impactful and necessary “


Stop Child Begging and Human Trafficking

Our mission is putting an end to the exploitative practices of child begging and human trafficking. Through awareness campaigns, education, and support services, we strive to protect vulnerable children and individuals from falling victim to these atrocities. Together, we strive hard to protect rights of at-risk youth.

Reduce Hunger and Unemploynment

At MESSRAA, we strive to help people overcome hunger and trying to provide livelihoods for the underprivileged. Through our food security initiatives and support for small businesses, such as providing rickshaws and thelas to those in need, we aim to uplift communities.

Our Core Values

At MESSRAA, we are driven by compassion, integrity, and we strive to stop human trafficking, child abuse and specially child begging. Through collaboration and innovation, we strive to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those in need. We believe in upholding the highest standards of transparency and accountability, and we measure our success by the positive change.


We approach our work with empathy and understanding, recognizing the inherent dignity and worth of every individual. 


We uphold the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and accountability in all our actions and interactions. 


We recognize the importance of working together with partners, stakeholders, and the community to achieve our goals.       


We are committed to innovation and continuous improvement, seeking creative solutions to complex challenges.   


We are results-oriented, measuring our success by the tangible impact we have on the lives of those we serve.

Our Motivation to End Child Begging

At MESSRAA, our motivation to stop child begging is rooted in the fundamental thought that every child deserves a safe and nurturing environment. We are dedicated to breaking the cycle of exploitation and providing vulnerable children with hope, dignity, and be free from the harms of begging. Through our advocacy, education, and support, we strive to protect these young kids.


Our Drive to Combat Human Trafficking

At MESSRAA, our motivation to stop human trafficking is driven by a fundamental principle: every individual deserves to live a life free from exploitation and abuse. We are committed to ending this heinous crime, which feeds on the most vulnerable in our society. Through advocacy, education, and support, we strive to protect victims, bring perpetrators to justice.

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